2.国家自然科学基金:无线电能传送非理想Litz线线圈高频损耗电阻建模与品质因数优化(51677139),2017.1~2020.12 (63万元)
6.纵向项目:混合充电系统. 2017.1~2017.12
[1]Q. Deng, Z. Li*, J. Liu, S. Li, P. Luo and K. Cui, "Data-Driven Modeling and Control Considering Time Delays for WPT System," inIEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 37, no. 8, pp. 9923-9932, Aug. 2022, doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2022.3151941.
[2]X. Dai,G. Liu*,Q. Deng*,W. Zeng,Global Optimal Cooperative Control of Multiple DC–DC Converter Systems for Dynamic Consensus,IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 36, no. 12, pp. 14340 - 14352, Dec.2021
[3]L. Wang, P. Sun*, X. Wu, J. Cai,Q. Deng*,J. Sun, H. Zhou., "Mutual Inductance Identification of IPT System Based onSoft-start Process," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Early access, doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2022.3142289.
[4]Q. Deng,Z. Li*,J. Liu*, et al.Multi-Inverter Phase-Shifted Control for Inductive Power Transfer with Overlapped Transmitters.IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 36, no. 8, pp. 8799 - 8811, Jan.2021
[5]A. Zhu,H. Zhou*,Q Deng*,et al., "Modeling and Phase Synchronization Control of High-Power Wireless Power Transfer System Supplied By Modular Parallel Multi-Inverters," inIEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 70, no. 7, pp. 6450-6462, July 2021, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2021.3080515.
[6]H. Zhou,A. Zhu,Q Deng*,Protection Strategy for Wireless Charging Electrical Vehicles.IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.vol.69, no.11, pp.13510-13520,Nov.2020(SCI二区,IF=4.5)
[7]Q. Deng,Y. Cheng*, F. Chen*, et al.Wired/Wireless Hybrid Charging System for Electrical Vehicles with Minimum Rated Power Requirement for DC Module.IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.,vol.69, no.10, pp.10889-10898,Oct.2020
[8]H. Zhou, J. Chen,Q. Deng*,F. Chen*, et al. Input-series output-equivalent-parallel multi-inverter system for high-voltage and high-power wireless power transfer.IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,vol. 36, no.1, pp.228-238,Jan.2021
[9]J. Chen, H. Zhou,Q. Deng*,F. Chen*, et al. Free positioning wireless power transfer system based on one-to-multiple topology.IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,,vol. 35, no.10, pp.9959-9964,Oct.2020.
[10]F. Chen, P. C. Young, H. Garnier,Q. Deng*and M. K. Kazimierczuk. Data-driven modeling of wireless power transfer systems with multiple transmitters. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,vol. 35, no.11, pp.11363-11379,Jan.2020.
[11]F. Chen, H. Garnier,Q. Deng*, M. K. Kazimierczuk and X. Zhuan. Control-oriented modeling of wireless power transfer systems with phase-shift control.IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 35(2):2119–2134, 2020.
[12]Q. Deng,P. Sun*, W. Hu*, D. Czarkowski,et.al," Modular Parallel Multi-Inverter System for High-Power Inductive Power Transfer",IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,vol. 34, no.10, pp.9422-9434,Oct.2019(DOI:10.1109/TPEL.2019.2891064, SCI一区,IF=6.8)
[13]Q. Deng, Z. Wang, C. Chen*, D. Czarkowski,et.al, "Modeling and Control of Inductive Power Transfer System Supplied by Multiphase Phase-Controlled Inverter " ,IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,vol. 34, no.9, pp.9303 - 9315,Sep.2019(DOI:10.1109/TPEL.2018.2886846, SCI一区,IF=6.8)
[14]J. Liu,Q. Deng*,D. Czarkowski, M. Kazimierczuk, H. Zhou and W. Hu,“Frequency Optimization for Inductive Power Transfer Based on AC Resistance Evaluation of Litz-wire ,”IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 2355 - 2363, March 2019(DOI:, SCI一区,IF=6.8)
[15]Liu, Jiangtao(#);Deng, Qijun(*); Wang, Wenbin; Li, Zhifan(*), Modeling and Control of Inverter Zero-Voltage-Switching for Inductive Power Transfer System,IEEE Access, 2019 , 7:139885~139894,
[16]Chen, Cheng(#); Zhou, Hong;Deng, Qijun(*); Hu, Wenshan; Yu, Yanjuan; Lu, Xiaoqing; Lai, Jingang, Modeling and Design of Zero-Voltage-Switching Controller for Wireless Power Transfer Systems Based on Closed-Loop Dominant Pole,Journal of Power Electronics, 2019.9 , 19(5):1235~1247,
[17]C. Chen , H. Zhou,Q. Deng*,et., al, Modeling and Decoupled Control of Inductive Power Transfer to Implement Constant Current/Voltage Charging and ZVS Operating for Electric Vehicles,IEEE Access,vol. 6, pp. 59917-59928, 2018,
[18]H. Zhou, X. Gao*, J. Lai, W. Hu,Q. DENG*,et., al,Natural Frequency Optimization of Wireless Power Systems on Power Transmission Lines,IEEE Access,vol. 6, pp.14038 - 14047, Jan. 2018(IF=3.5)
[19]Q. Deng*, J. Liu, D. Czarkowski, H. Zhou and W. Hu, “An Inductive Power Transfer System Supplied by a Multiphase Parallel Inverter,”IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 64, no. 9, pp. 7039–7047, May 2017.( SCI一区,IF=7.168)
[20]Q. Deng*, J. Liu*, D. Czarkowski, M. Kazimierczuk, M. Bojarski, H. Zhou and W. Hu, “Frequency-dependent resistance of Litz-wire square solenoid coils and quality factor optimization for wireless power transfer,”IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 63, no. 5, pp. 2825–2837, May 2016.( SCI一区,IF=7.168)
[21]Q. Deng*, J. Liu*, D. Czarkowski, M. Bojarski, J. Chen, H. Zhou and W. Hu, “Edge Position Detection of On-line Charged Vehicles with Segmental Wireless Power Supply,”IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. vol. 65, no. 5, pp. 3610–3621, May 2017 (IF=4.0)
[22]Q. Deng*,Jiangtao Liu*,Dariusz Czarkowski, Mariusz Bojarski, Erdem Asa, Francisco de Leon,” Design of a Wireless Charging System with a Phase-Controlled Inverter for Electric Vehicles under Varying Parameters”,IET Power Electron., vol. 9, no. 13, pp. 2461-2470, Oct. 2016 (IF=3.58)
[23]X. Wang, P. Sun,Q. Deng*, et al.Evaluation of AC Resistance in Litz Wire Planar Spiral Coils for Wireless Power Transfer,Journal of Power Electronics, Vol.18, vol. 4, pp.1268-1277, Jul. 2018 (IF=1.2)